Pico de Gallo Salad

Note: As of 30 April 2018, the images in this post are nowhere to be seen. I’m currently debating whether to dig around in an external hard drive to find them or to surrender them to the universe. My photography was so bad at the time that the greater forces of my blog may be trying to do me a favor.

Let’s just get this out of the way.

I love pico de gallo.

This stuff falls under my list of things that I could eat every single day. What else is on that list, you ask?

Allow me to gush…

– As previously stated, pico de gallo– Avocadoes– French-fried onions (those ones in a can…don’t judge me!)– Herb goat cheese– Corn– Mexican restaurant rice and beans– Peanut butter– Chocolate– Any combination of the above two– Chipotle burrito bowls– Uncooked spinach and mushroom salads– Ranch dressing (from the packet, never from the bottle)– Anything that remotely tastes like coffee

As you can see, my tastes are very exacting and very gourmet.

Now that you’ve had a glimpse into my inner psyche, let’s move on to the cooking part, shall we?

I call this Pico de Gallo Salad because it really is more of a chopped salad that can stand on its own, not just a simple condiment. Most picos I’ve come across in my years in avid pursuit of yummy Mexican food contain the basics: tomato, onion, sometimes jalapeño, sometimes cilantro. However, when I began making my own, I found myself adding more and more ingredients, like corn and black beans as well as lime for that citrus-y fresh taste.

That’s the great thing about pico de gallo- it’s incredibly versatile, which is why I strongly encourage you to view this recipe as a simple guideline, one to be personalized and adapted to suit your own taste.

Feeling a tad intimidated by such free range? Don’t worry, it’s okay! I’ll help you!

Here’s all the ingredients you’ll need. Actually, you need salt and pepper as well. I forgot to put them in the picture. I was just making sure that you’re paying attention.

A lovely cast of characters, if I do say so myself!

First, you chop up some lovely little tomatoes.

Actually, the tomatoes I used were rawther large.

Then, you add some minced jalapeños.

You can gauge the spiciness by how many seeds you leave in.

Now add half a red onion.

I love this photo.

Add one can of corn.

Behold! A visual example of one of my favorite foods! I can tell you’re excited.

After the corn, comes the black beans.

Again, this is where you can substitute whatever style of beans you like.

Time for the most beautiful, delightful, delicious herb known to mankind…cilantro!!!


Add your lime juice, salt, and pepper; then stir it all together.

A big ol’ bowl of yum.

Throw some chips on a Tarzan plate from when you were a kid and top it with this heavenly mixture.

¡Qué rico!

Here’s the recipe so you too can know such a transcendental experience…

Pico de Gallo Salad

A Kocinera Original Recipe

Printable Recipe

2 Tomatoes, chopped

½ bunch fresh Cilantro, chopped

½ Red Onion, chopped

Juice of 1-2 Limes

1 can Corn, drained

1 can Black Beans, drained and rinsed

1-2 Jalapeños, finely diced

Salt and Pepper, to taste

Combine all ingredients in a large bowl and refrigerate to chill.

Serve with chips, on its own, or as a topping for just about anything. Keep a container of it in your fridge for a week and you’ll be surprised at how much you’ll use it.



  1. Lady Cooks the Blues
    June 13, 2010 / 9:35 am

    I'm hungry just looking at the photos. This can be served as a garnish on just about any dish throughout the week. Add it to meat and tortillas for a lunch wrap, over lettuce with cheese for a delicious salad, or add a dollop of sour cream and I'd eat it cold over the summer. Good directions and great, colorful photos. Thanks lots.

  2. Koci
    June 13, 2010 / 6:00 pm

    Those are great ideas, Lady Cooks the Blues! Glad you liked it!

  3. Anonymous
    February 24, 2011 / 10:44 am

    Então interessante este espaço parece bem desenvolvido………boa:)
    Adorei faz mais posts deste modo !