Dijon Potato Salad

Has it cooled off in your part of the world? I’ve heard tales of faraway lands that have things called “seasons.”

What are seasons?

People have told me that there are temperatures cooler than ninety degrees. That in some places you can feel the wind blow and step outside without breaking a sweat. That people wear…sweaters!

In case you haven’t guessed, fall has not yet arrived here in Houston—it usually doesn’t until late October. So as many of you are diving into autumnal baking sprees and all things pumpkin, I’m still enjoying more summery dishes. Dishes like Dijon Potato Salad, which even if you’re picking apples and watching the leaves turn colors is something that everyone should try. It takes traditional potato salad to a whole new level with rustic red potatoes, country dijon mustard, and a fresh punch of dill, all making for an tasty new version of a warm weather classic.

The best part is that it’s super easy to put together! While you boil some chopped, unpeeled red potatoes, whisk together low fat mayonnaise…

…some nice, tangy buttermilk…

…a few tablespoons of smooth Dijon mustard…

…as well as a good plop of grainy mustard…

…and some dill…

…with a final, liberal dose of salt and freshly ground black pepper.

Mix that all together…

…and add the potatoes.

Along with the that goes some chopped red onion…

…and celery for a nice, fresh crunch.

Give it all a mix and pop it in the fridge to let the flavors blend…

…and in a few short hours you’ve got a delicious, refreshing side dish for all your summertime favorites!

See? Easy peasy. Give it a try on a beautiful day—this is perfect picnic food!

Dijon Potato Salad

Recipe adapted from “Old-Fashioned Potato Salad” by Ina Garten

Printable Recipe

3 pounds small red potatoes

1 cup low fat mayonnaise

1/4 cup buttermilk

2 tablespoons Dijon mustard

2 tablespoons whole-grain mustard

1/2 cup chopped fresh dill, or 2 tablespoons dried

1/2 cup diced thinly sliced celery

1/2 cup finely diced red onion

salt and pepper to taste

Wash and cut potatoes into bite-size pieces. Add to a large pot of boiling water with a bit of salt and cook for 20 minutes. Drain potatoes and then cover the colander with a towel to let them steam for a little while longer, about 5-10 minutes depending on how firm you want them. Allow them to slightly cool.

Meanwhile, in a large bowl, combine mayonnaise, both mustards, dill, salt and pepper, whisking until well blended. Add potatoes, celery, and red onion, stirring to combine. Taste to check the seasonings, adjusting as needed.

Cover and place the potato salad in the refrigerator to chill for a few hours or overnight.



  1. The Weekend Gourmet
    September 17, 2010 / 5:36 am

    Looks good, Koci! Yeah…we're still hot in San Antonio as well. I'm waiting for less-hot temps…cool is still a few weeks off, I'm afraid!

  2. Susi's Kochen und Backen
    September 17, 2010 / 5:55 am

    It is just as hot in Arizona! In fact this weekend is supposed to be over 100 F. This potato salad looks and sounds fantastic and would be fabulous with something BBQ

  3. Lady Cooks the Blues
    September 17, 2010 / 10:33 am

    Yes Koci, There are many of us sharing your southern seasons. South Texas does seem to stay above 90 degrees from April to October. Today I made a chilled shrimp pasta salad with lots of fresh veggies. This potato salad would be a great addition to a menu I'd like to try including another salad, like perhaps fresh fruit or spinach.Thanks for the ideas.

  4. Marisa
    September 17, 2010 / 11:00 am

    Looks super! Especially as we've got our National Braai (bbq) day coming up next week Friday. Wooooot.

  5. Marisa
    September 17, 2010 / 11:05 am

    Oh, forgot to say, but you should totally enter this into Cooksister's blog event for great bbq (braai) recipes. Link here –> cooksister.com/2010/09/lamb-sosaties-revisited.html

    (sorry, don't mean to link spam, just thought you might be interested)

  6. Suz
    September 17, 2010 / 1:01 pm

    We're still kind of warm when the sun's out, but last night -for the first time this autumn- they mentioned GROUNDFROST on the weather report. *bitesknuckles*

    Mmm, the potato salad looks goooood. I love food with different textures, so the crunchy bits sound amazing. 😀

    September 17, 2010 / 3:31 pm

    Potato salad is such a rich, comforting dish! This looks wonderful!

  8. Koci
    September 17, 2010 / 7:36 pm

    @Wendy: I'll bet San Antonio is still plenty hot! At least you've got some lovely breezes–last time I was there it was beautifully windy.

    @Susi: Ohhh man! I totally feel your pain. 😀

    @Lady Cooks the Blues: That shrimp salad sounds delicious! I love the idea of a salad trio.

    @Marisa: National Barbecue Day?! I love this!! Thanks for the link to the braai event! I'll definitely be checking it out.

    @Suzler: Frost?! I'm ever so slightly envious, but that may be the heat having addled my brain. 😀

    @A Spicy Perspective: I love the texture of potato salad. Thanks!

  9. Monet
    September 17, 2010 / 8:52 pm

    Your step by step photos are beautiful! I was drooling by the end. And yes, it is still hot here in Austin. This is my first summer/fall down South in a long time, and I'm having a hard time adjusting! Thanks for visiting my blog, by the way. I'm glad it brought me to yours!

  10. Becky
    September 17, 2010 / 9:22 pm

    Potato salad…YUM!

  11. Unknown
    September 17, 2010 / 10:10 pm

    I love potato salad. That looks so good.

  12. Anonymous
    September 17, 2010 / 11:00 pm

    That salad looks so good. I think the dijon would kick it up a knotch! Yum…

  13. Koci
    September 17, 2010 / 11:22 pm

    @Monet: haha Don't worry, you'll adjust beautifully to the heat when it's nice and mild in the wintertime. 🙂

    @Becky: Thanks!

    @Joy: I always love to hear from another potato salad fan! 😀

    @Anonymous: Thank you! I looove adding dijon to different recipes.

  14. Chef Dennis Littley
    September 18, 2010 / 2:30 am

    now thats a great potato salad!, your dressing makes all the difference in the world…and those redskins look like the perfect potato for potato salad!
    were finally getting some relief in Jersey…I can't imagine how hot it is in Texas!

  15. Unknown
    September 18, 2010 / 6:28 am

    I've never lived anywhere but New York. As much as I prefer the heat over being cold, I think It would be so weird for fall not to come around at this time! Excellent potato salad. You know I am a big fan of your big step-by-step pictures. They make me so hungry! I love the buttermilk and dill in here, and of course, the dijon. =)

  16. Alchemy In The Kitchen
    September 18, 2010 / 5:34 pm

    The buttermilk is an unusual touch. I'm going to have to try that. I have a Dijon addiction so one more recipe to add it to is great.

  17. Michelle @ Find Your Balance
    September 18, 2010 / 11:57 pm

    It's chilly here in Boston but I could still eat up a whole bowl of that deliciousness!

  18. Anonymous
    September 19, 2010 / 2:27 am

    I love potato salad! This looks delicious and the pictures are fantastic 🙂

  19. Jenny (VintageSugarcube)
    September 19, 2010 / 2:28 am

    This looks sooo delicious! And the way you photographed the process was brilliant. Love your blog. You have such a bright future ahead.

  20. Koci
    September 19, 2010 / 4:33 am

    @Chef Dennis: I love red potatoes!! They're so much more colorful than plain ol' regular ones.

    @Marisa: hehehe Thank you very much!

    @Hester: The cool thing is that you can also use white wine if you're out of buttermilk.

    @Michelle: Thanks! I agree, good food knows no seasons. I've been known to crave ice cream in the middle of winter. 😀

    @baking.serendipity: Thank you!

    @Jenny: Aww, thanks! 🙂