Freezer Finds

basil ice cream normal

Perhaps because I’m caught up in the lazy days of summer. Perhaps because it’s an interesting topic. Perhaps because, with all the heat and humidity, I want to live there.

Today, we discuss the contents of my freezer.

Time and time again, I happen upon blog posts chronicling the retail food adventures of people from all over the world and let me tell you something: it fascinates me. I love nothing more than “ooh”-ing and “ahh”-ing over the random products hidden away in the kitchens of others, especially if they include something that I’ve never heard of before. It is in the spirit of this inspiration that I guide you through the frosty contents of my freezer.

Pictured more prettily in the photo above, we have the basil ice cream tucked away in the freezer photo below. Sitting below it is a forgotten container of avocado ice cream. One of these flavors was delicious, one of them was gross beyond belief.

You guessed right. The avocado was puke-tastic. The basil flavor was cool and aromatic and yummy.

green ice creams

Hanging out nearby is this plate of peanut butter pretzel bites. A couple of nights ago I whipped up a batch of these after spotting the recipe over at 17 and Baking. Casually reaching into the freezer to grab one or two of these has become a regular feature of my daily routine. They’re the perfect combination of salty and sweet, between the crunch of pretzels and the savory peanut butter, all covered with a dunk of bittersweet chocolate. Truly, the more I see them, the more I love them.

pretzel bites

Then there’s the ubiquitous amounts of coffee.

sumatra coffee

Coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee.

gorilla decaf

Eggos. I eat these for breakfast way more than I should. They’re just so easy to toss in the toaster. Not to mention when topped with some salty, melted butter. Yeah you’ll be hungry in an hour, but it’s kinda worth it just to not have to cook when you’re all sleepy.


Look! Healthy stuff! I actually just grabbed these at the grocery store the other day, so I have no idea if they’re good or not. As a rule, however, when anything involves curry, I buy it.

lean cuisine

Frozen red velvet cupcakes waiting to be iced. After years of last-minute baking for people, I decided it would be a good idea to keep an emergency batch on hand. That way, it’s just a matter of whipping up a quick bowl of frosting and we’re ready to go.

Unless I get the munchies beforehand. Then we’re in trouble.

red velvet cupcakes

More healthy-ish stuff. Mainstays like good ol’ Lean Pockets really save the day when there’s nothing for lunch besides Cheetos.

lean pockets

You know you have a box of these in your freezer. Thin Mints belong in the freezer. It is a truth that has been drilled into my psyche since my days as a Brownie Girl Scout.

thin mints

Microwave steamed veggies are the greatest invention known to mankind.

But what about the iPod? Advanced medicine? Facebook?


Steamed veggies.

steam veggies

These oatmeal chocolate chip cookies are evidence of an ongoing quest of mine to find the perfect chocolate chip cookie recipe. I’ve been working off the same two recipes for the past couple attempts and I think I’m getting closer. You’ll be the first to know when I’ve struck gold.

oatmeal chocolate chip cookies

And finally, because they’re so delicious and so dreamy, Magnum ice cream bars. Honestly, I never realized that ice cream bars could be this yummy. Rather than just a thinly coated chunk of flavorless ice chunks, Magnum bars are filled with creamy, beautiful vanilla ice cream, sprinkled with real dots of vanilla bean, all dipped in rich, gorgeous chocolate, optionally filled with a layer of caramel as well.


magnum bars

So there you have it! The hidden contents of messy freezer displayed for all the world to see.

It’s like MTV Cribs, except minus the Bentleys.



  1. Maria Diana
    July 15, 2011 / 6:16 am

    Now I have ideas for when next I go grocery shopping! 😉

  2. Hester Casey - Alchemy
    July 15, 2011 / 10:21 am

    I've heard the contents of a handbag can tell so much about its owner, so I guess the contents of a freezer can do the same… I'm getting 'sweet tooth' and 'kinda healthy' and 'life's too short to stuff a mushroom' 🙂 I never knew that thin mints should be kept in the freezer. Next time I get a box, I shall put them on ice.

  3. Suz
    July 15, 2011 / 2:55 pm

    You have so much good stuff in there.

    Thin mints! I always see girl scout cookies pop up on various American tv shows, and I've got it into my head that they taste amazing. Is this true?

  4. Koci
    July 15, 2011 / 8:22 pm

    @Maria Diana: hehehe Happy to have provided some inspiration! 😀

    @Hester: I think you're definitely right about that! And yes, Thin Mints are a freezer must! You'll love it!

    @Suzler: Absolutely yes, Girl Scout cookies are a thing of beauty. Sometimes they introduce new flavors that are hit-and-miss, but classics like Thin Mints, Peanut Butter Patties, Shortbread, and Caramel De-Lites are always delicious.

  5. Kristen @ Swanky Dietitian
    July 15, 2011 / 9:22 pm

    Thin mints in the freezer!! Yum! I love that.
    I love that you shared the contents of the freezer. I always love seeing what people have. 🙂

  6. Anonymous
    July 15, 2011 / 10:41 pm

    I'm always interested in what other bloggers like to eat when they aren't cooking – its refreshing to see that you have both frozen foods (frozen spring rolls are my weakness) as well as homemade cupcakes!

    PS – I always wondered how avocado ice cream would taste….thanks for clearing that up for me! 🙂

  7. Maris(In Good Taste)
    July 16, 2011 / 12:46 am

    I enjoyed this little peek into your freezer!

  8. sweetlife
    July 16, 2011 / 3:12 am

    how fun to have a glimpse of your freezer, i have heard so much about those magnum bars.

  9. Jennifer
    July 16, 2011 / 5:13 pm

    Those pretzel bites sound SO good. Glad I stumbled across your blog – love all of your recipes & content! Have a great rest of your weekend!

  10. Marisa
    July 17, 2011 / 2:50 am

    Koci, this was such a fun post! Thanks for inviting us into your freezer. It is much more exciting than mine. I wish I had those pretzel bites and Magnum bars in my frezer right now! Not so much the avocado ice cream though haha. I can relate, just yesterday I found a sorbet I had made like three months ago hiding in the deepest darkest corner. Oh, and I agree with you, thin mints totally belong in the freezer.

  11. the [sugar] apothecary
    July 17, 2011 / 4:33 pm

    Oh girl. I keep seeing those damn commercials for Magnum, and then I forget by the time I'm at the food store… I'm adding them to my list RIGHT THIS SECOND. They look sooooo good. Cute post, great idea 🙂

  12. Winter
    July 18, 2011 / 5:53 pm

    Might you have a recipe for said 'Basil Ice Cream'?

  13. Koci
    July 19, 2011 / 2:25 am

    @Kristen: Yes! Thin Mints in the freezer are the best!

    @catertome: I'm totally with you—I love to see what goes on behind the scenes with blogger meals.

    @Maris: So glad you enjoyed it! 😀

    @sweetlife: Truly, Magnum bars are delish.

    @Jennifer: They're great, but very addictive. It's impossible to stop at just one or two. 😀

    @Marisa: Isn't it weird what things can get lost in the freezer?! hehehe Glad you liked the post!

    @the sugar apothecary: Absolutely! You should definitely give them a try. They're fantastic!

    @Winter: Yes indeed! Here's the link:

  14. mangiabella
    July 19, 2011 / 6:57 pm

    there are some tasty treats in there! Those Magnum bars are off the hook, we just bought a box and LORD HAVE MERCY they are gooooooooood

  15. Koci
    July 20, 2011 / 8:06 pm

    @mangiabella: Aren't they the greatest things ever?! 😀

  16. Roxana GreenGirl
    July 20, 2011 / 11:19 pm

    can I be your roommate please? I'd die for a scoop of basil ice-cream!!!