Fun Food Ideas for Halloween

trick or treat peanut butter cup

Each year I find myself getting a little more excited about Halloween than the last. I think it can be blamed on the blogging world. A couple of years ago, I had no clue about all the ways a person can frost, pipe, and decorate festive Halloween treats. Making my own homemade peanut butter cups last year was basically the nail on the crafty coffin. Ever since I have been quietly bookmarking projects, setting up a list of super cute, hilariously detailed ideas for this year.

Here’s some of my Halloween favorites!

What about you? Any amazing Halloween foodie finds??



  1. Hester @ Alchemy in the Kitchen
    October 16, 2012 / 9:42 pm

    My one traditional hallowe'en staple has got to be barm brack. Gearing up to complete the orders at the moment, but you have given me plenty of spooky treats to think about this h'ween, Koci. Great roundup!

  2. Kristen (swanky dietitian)
    November 2, 2012 / 2:48 am

    These are such great ideas! I should have made my way to your blog sooner. 🙂
    But I agree with you..blogging and pinterest has opened up so many fun ideas!!! 🙂