We Have a Winner!

Le Creuset Tart Dish

Alright everyone, the time has come to announce the winner of my first giveaway! After popping over to ye olde random number generator, we have a proud new owner of a Le Creuset tart pan. Are you ready find out who it is?

Drum roll please…

Aaaaand the winner is…Foodies at Home!

Congratulations, Foodies at Home! I’ll be getting in touch with you soon with the details of how you can collect your prize.

Also I want to say a big “thank you” to each and every one of you who entered. I hope to have many more giveaways and contests here on La Kocinera in the future. Besides, not only do I like to give you presents, but I also just love hearing from you, so stick around and see what goodies I can come up with!
