Tutti Frutti and Twitter

Howdy there, bloggy buddies! I was going to simply write this little announcement as an update, but then I remembered that I had in my possession some photos from my recent trip to Tutti Frutti Frozen Yogurt, so I figured why not throw those in? Everybody likes frozen yogurt…except Red Mango. I’m pretty sure I just heard some audible gasps on that one, but I have to be honestit’s just too tangy and yogurt-y for me. I like my frozen yogurt to fool me into thinking that it’s actually it’s fattier, more calorie-laden counterpartice cream.

But, before I start waxing poetic about yogurt, I have to tell you my announcement. I’m officially on Twitter! Well, actually I’ve been on Twitter for a while, but I’ve just now decided to link it up as part of my blog. So pop on over there and follow away!

Now on to yogurt!

Tutti Frutti accomplishes the task of ice cream trickery almost as good as TCBY used to do, before they decided to close every location within reasonable driving distance. However, Tutti Frutti makes up for the lack by operating on a self-serve basis, which is pretty cool. You just grab a container and walk down a line of yogurt dispensers and fill it up with whatever you want, stopping for some sprinkly candy toppings at the end. Then they just weigh it and that’s that. It’s quite a lovely system that allows indecisive yogurt-choosers such as me to sample many different flavors. Here’s what my family and I ended up with…

I mixed my go-to flavor in anythingCoffeewith Cookies and Cream. The Coffee, on the left, wasn’t actually that good. It retained all the bite of a strong cup of coffee, without any sweetness afterwards. The Cookies and Cream, however, was divine. So creamy, so smooth, so subtle, it was truly delightful.

Did I mention that their smallest size is HUGE? It is.

Then came the interesting flavor combination that my sister put togetherIrish Mint and Strawberry-both of which were…interesting. The Strawberry tasted exactly like your basic strawberry yogurt, so if you like that stuff, you’ll love this. In retrospect, the super-minty Irish Mint would have been much better mixed with another flavor, like chocolate. On its own, it tasted like Altoids had rolled out a line of frozen yogurts…kinda weird.

Finally, there was the communal bowl of Chocolate, which got rave reviews from the whole car. That stuff was just plain yummy.

By the time this photo was taken, my fingers were going a bit numb, which is why I’m kinda clenching the container. You’d think I might retain some warmth, seeing as it was 95 degrees outside, but between the cold frozen yogurt and the car’s air conditioning blasting on me, my teeth were about to start chattering. Don’t ask me why I didn’t just turn off my air vents or wrap some napkins around my bowl. I think I was too busy listening to my parents talk about how highways in west Texas have 85 mile-an-hour speed limits, which is just plain cool in my book. Honestly, after Houston driving, I think I could easily handle those speeds. If you’ve never driven in the Houston area, consider yourself and your psychological well-being very lucky. It’s a harrowing experience to say the least.

Anyway, there you have it. To make a long story short, I’m on Twitter and I like Tutti Frutti Frozen Yogurt.

The End.



  1. Rick
    August 12, 2010 / 12:38 pm

    Love froyo!

  2. Cristina
    August 12, 2010 / 6:45 pm

    I think we have a place like this in one of our local malls. I've only passed by because I know it could be a dangerous place to like! 😉 Looks cool and sweet, wish I had some right now.

  3. Anonymous
    August 12, 2010 / 7:11 pm

    I liked the color combo of the pink and green…but the chocolate was delicious!!!

  4. Koci
    August 12, 2010 / 8:22 pm

    @Rick: Me too! 😀

    @Cristina: I know what you mean about dangerous places to like! There's an ice cream place down the road from Tutti Frutti that is amazing…but I shudder think of the nutritional info.

    @Anonymous: I know! The pink and green colors lure you into a false sense of security. We really must try the chocolate-mint combo next time!

  5. Anonymous
    August 13, 2010 / 5:24 am

    I love frozen yogurt! We have a self serve shop way too close to my house…I'm there all the time 🙂 I always end up with lots of sprinkles and other goodies topping my yogurt though!

  6. Anonymous
    August 13, 2010 / 3:17 pm

    The frozen yogurt looks delicious!

  7. Koci
    August 15, 2010 / 12:01 am

    @baking.serendipity: I would LOVE to have a froyo shop near my house! Tutti Frutti is still a bit out of my way. 🙁

    @5 Star Foodie: I can't resist the stuff! 😀